Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands Wiki
Welcome to the Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands Wiki!

Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver: Sevii Islands is a Pokémon Fan Game created by PurpleZaffre using RPG Maker XP and Pokémon Essentials v16.2.

Useful Links & Guides[]


  • Continuously press Shift to speed up your game
  • Shiny chances are 1/131
  • Install the fonts (right click on each in the Fonts folder) for a cleaner game experience
  • Trade evolutions are still in the game, but you can also evolve most of those Pokémon at Level 70 as well

Known Bugs/Problems (& How To Fix Them)[]

  • Lag: Depending on the computer, you may feel lag in certain portions of the overworld. This will happen more prominently in big maps. You most probably will only feel more lag in One Island and during Chapter 1, and be relatively good for the rest of the game. What you can do to minimize lag is: A.) Play the game with your charger connected; B.) As few other programs open as possible; C.) Restart the game; D.) Restart your computer.
  • 1-Pixel Gaps in Larger Screen Sizes: When playing the game in sizes larger than Small and Medium, depending on the computer, it's possible you'll see the overworld with 1-pixel gaps in certain tiles. For some people, it only appears in Large size and not XL size.
  • Online Battling with 2-Turn Moves: When doing online battles, 2-turn moves (like Fly, Freeze Shock, etc) may crash the game and cause irregular behaviour.
  • Random Shadows in Maps: Sometimes, in big maps, random overworld shadows may appear. They will go away after a while as you move around.
  • Static In-Battle Sprites: A small number of Mega Evolutions, Regionals, Paradoxes and Gigantamax Megas may have static front/back sprites (no in-battle animation).
  • Error when naming the player/a Pokémon: In some computers, naming the player or a Pokémon will result in a crash. If this happens to you, simply open Game.ini and switch RGSS104E.dll to RGSS102E.dll.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)[]

  • Question: What do I need to play this? Answer: This game was made to be played on a Windows computer (it is not a ROM hack). All you need to do is download the zip, extract all files, and click on Game.exe. That's it, enjoy the game!
  • Question: How do I play this on mobile? Answer: If you're on Android, download an app called JoiPlay and use it to run this game.
  • Question: How do I play this on Mac? Answer: Download a program called Wine (or some variant of it) and use it to run this game.
  • Question: What emulator does this support? Answer: This is not a ROM hack, so none. See answers above.
  • Question: Can I play this on my GBA/DS/3DS/Switch? Answer: Unfortunately, no, since this is not a ROM hack. See answers above.
  • Question: Does this game have the full events of HGSS, including Johto and Kanto, and then the Sevii Islands and Hoenn? Answer: No. This game was made from scratch (it is not a ROM hack), so you start out right after the events of HGSS, in the Sevii Islands! In the postgame, you get to explore the entire Hoenn Region!
  • Question: Is the game controller compatible? Answer: The game doesn't have integrated controller support, but you can use a program called JoyToKey (https://joytokey.net/en/) to be able to use your controller on your computer.


Pokémon HGSS: Sevii Islands - Final Release Trailer

Game Download[]




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Forum Threads[]


After defeating Red in Pokémon HeartGold / SoulSilver, Eusine asks you to come with him to the Sevii Islands. The remaining Legendary Beasts, Raikou and Entei, have been sighted there, as well as Team Rocket. Rumors about Giovanni being back have begun circling around... Why is Team Rocket back again, and what could their business possibly be in the Sevii Islands?


  • Mega Pokémon, including Gigantamax Megas and Custom Megas, as well as Regionals Forms and Paradox Pokémon
  • Online features (trading and battling worldwide)
  • PokéGear with new features (storage, quest log, etc);
  • 8 main chapters surrounding Team Rocket in the Sevii Islands
  • An extensive epilogue set in the entire Hoenn Region, along with many new quests (including Team Aqua and Magma's resurgence) and Hoenn's League Challenge
  • Speed-up button (Shift)
  • Fully customizable controls
  • 40+ hours of content